Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Enter "The Crystal Spring"

Greetings and Merrie Meet to all our friends and followers.

I know that it has been a long time since my last post and I trust that you will all forgive me when I explain exactly what has been happening.....

Some of you may already know that I have carried with me for over 20 years the desire to open my own Healing / Light Centre and that during said time there have been a few false starts with each one bringing me a step closer but still staying tantalisingly out of reach.

The last attempt I had was so close I could smell it, I had located a High Street shop that was actually perfect for how I saw the centre in my mind's eye.  There had been several viewings, mental plans had been drawn up and yet at the last minute (or so it seemed) it was snatched away from me - I was bowled over by this but I resigned myself to the belief that the universe had again decided that there was more to do and a new place to be.

Almost 12 months to the day since I last stood inside my "dream" I was standing in the middle of my new dream and helping clear away the debris and rubbish so that we could actually see the floor.

Those 12 months have been magickal and have seen me forming an alliance with a fellow pagan after one day telling her of my dream and wish to open a centre - she said that it was also her dream and that was it, the roller coaster ride had begun.

We have both studied Reiki together and in 3 months have gone from being complete novices to been certified as Practitioners.

But, best of all (at the moment) we have a home for our centre, it has been given to us on condition that we are prepared to share the facility as and when sharing becomes necessary and we have also been given a lovely room that is going to become a treatment room.

As part of this wonderful ride thus far we have also been offered use of a facility in nearby Combe Martin to hold our own workshops etc. until such time as our centre is ready to open its doors AND we are also in negotiations to set up a satellite clinic in Torbay.

So we, Kaz and I are pleased to announce that "The Crystal Spring" is real and will be running via the Devon Heart Centre,  Combe Martin sometime after the 29th November.

We are looking to be adding Crystal Therapy, Colour Therapy and Laughter Yoga into our range of therapies in the early part of 2015 and we have already had several enquiries from other therapists in and around North Devon who wish to use the centre for their own work.

So we are really excited about the progress thus far and are looking forward to the journey as we move ahead.

If you would like to join us on our Facebook page the visit this link http://bit.ly/crystalspringilf

You can also follow us on twitter where we are @cspringkaz and @cspringdave

We have also produced an audio introduction to our centre and to listen to that please follow this link Crystal Spring Introduction

You can also email us at thecrystalspring@mail.com

If you want to speak to us by phone please call Kaz on 07969 973762 or Dave on 07050 644101

So until we provide our next update all that remains is to wish you

Love, Light and Reiki Blessings

Kaz + DAve

Friday, 29 August 2014

If No-one Told Me ...... promo

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Moonshadow Media update 270814

Hi and welcome.  Lots of things going on so I thought I would make this little video just to tell you about them.

Love, Light and Blessings


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The latest news from Moonshadow HQ

Greetings to everyone who has turned the page to the Moonshadow Media blog.  So what has been happening in the Moonshadow world since my last post?  WELL - lots of things actually!

Those of you who subscribed to Connect North Devon should already know that the old girl is about to rise again in a new dress.  After long arduous meetings around pub tables, kitchen tables and in car parks the owner of Holistic Times and yours truly have agreed to create a new magazine out of the former 2.

This new magazine is to see the light of day in September, so not a lot of time to go, and will be carrying the title "Holistic Connections"  Although We will be retaining a lot of the features of its parent we will be allowing the magazine to develop a character of its own.  Initially there will be 3 issues per year and these will be in both paper and electronic format.

We will be posting more as we move nearer to the publishing date so keep your ears and eyes peeled ladies and gents.

Wytchwynd Photography is enjoying a fair amount of critical acclaim recently and this is showing in the number of bookings that are coming in for later this year, next year and a provisional one for 2016.  In case any of you have not seen the branding it is illustrated below.

Also keep an eye on the North Devon Gazette as we have now been selected to be a freelance photo shootist for them and have already had two photo sets published.

Cauldron FM / Capstone Radio are both looking after themselves quite happily although we do have some computer issues on the Capstone side which are waiting for the engineer to attend to.

Optimum Living Channel has a couple of new videos and there are more in the pipeline including the one finished today in the Towards Shambhala series

Finally for this post I am attending the final of Berrynarbor's Got Talent on Saturday, and for my sins I have been enlisted as the Master of Ceremonies, which should be good as I have never been brilliant at Ad Libbing......gulp!!

Pre -Meditation Grounding

Monday, 30 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 01/07/14

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 30/06/14

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 27/06/14

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 26/06/14

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 25/06/14

Monday, 23 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 24/06/14

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 23/06/14

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 20/06/14

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 18/06/14

Monday, 16 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 17/06/14

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 16/06/14

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 13/6/14

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 12/06/14

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 11/06/14

Monday, 9 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 10/06/14

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Capstone Radio 09/06/14

Friday, 6 June 2014

News From Moonshadow HQ

Hi and thank you for reading this page.  As many of you will know I am always looking for new ways to get the moonshadow (or one of its associated businesses) brand on view or in the public eye and to that end I have been doing quite a bit of "behind the scenes" work.

I have recently been promoting wytchwynd photography and have been fortunate to secure a freelance arrangement with the N D Gazette.  I had 3 photographs used in their web issue last week

and this week I covered a garden party / long service award ceremony at an elderly person's residential home the results of which will be placed in the next edition of the Gazette and I believe in the online issue as well. Out of those two jobs for the Gazette I have secured bookings for at least 2 private commissions.

Next up I have been in discussions with the owner of a magazine called Holistic Times which ceased publication in the final quarter of 2013.  We have decided that we are going to look at a reformat and subsequent relaunch of the magazine - probably in mid September.  So we are extremely excited by that.

The radio stations are burbling along nicely although at this precise moment in time we have an issue with the power supply so both streams are off air until tonight.

There is also one further development, the coaching business Altered Image - has now officially been re-branded as the Big Blue Sky Company, a website has been designed and the plan is that it will go live in the coming weeks.

So busy busy busy times - which is really great

So until the next time we speak, have a great day and remember

Don't predict the future,



Thursday, 5 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 06/06/14

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 05/06/14

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 04/06/14

Monday, 2 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 03/06/14

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Capstone Bulletin 2/6/14

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 30/05/14

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 29/05/14

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 28/05/14

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 23/05/14

What's Going On 21/05/14

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 22/05/14

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 21/05/14

Monday, 19 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 20/05/14

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Capstone Bulletin 19/05/14

Thursday, 15 May 2014

In The Loop 16/05/14

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

In The Loop 15/05/14

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

In The Loop 14/05/14

Monday, 12 May 2014

In The Loop 13/05/14

The Tao - Section 15

Sunday, 11 May 2014

In The Loop 12/5/14

Thursday, 8 May 2014

in The Loop 9/5/14

In The Loop 08/05/14

In The Loop 8/5/14

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Capstone Rocks 6th May 2014

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

In The Loop 7th May 2014

Monday, 5 May 2014

In The Loop 06/05/14

Thursday, 1 May 2014

In The Loop 2/5/14

Business Eye - N. Devon Equine Therapy

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

In The Loop 01/05/14

In The Loop 30/04/14

Monday, 28 April 2014

In The Loop 29/04/14

Streaming Capstone Radio

This is now a reality - the stream ran successfully over the weekend.  Tonight there are a couple more tweaks to be done, then tomorrow and Wednesday will be uploading all the pre-recorded programmes ready for the Thursday switch on at 1pm.

Once we have the stream running on a daily basis, I will be looking to drop some live shows into the pot but they will be given plenty of advance notice so the listeners do not miss them.

Very excited by this major step forward for Moonshadow Media.


Sunday, 27 April 2014

In The Loop 28/4/14

Friday, 25 April 2014

This week's progress

Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of Moonshadow Media and there have been quite a few developments this week.  To say I am excited by the way things are moving is an understatement.  So let's pin it down for you

Starting with

we have been able to secure the assistance of a very knowledgeable person who within a matter of half an hour got the internet sorted in the studio last night and by the time he left we had all the broadcast software installed on the Capstone Radio pc.  Not only was it installed but it was operational as well.  The address of the stream is going to be www.myradiostream.com/capstoneradio

This morning I was able to do a proper, full on test stream.  So we are now definitely well on track for our streaming service to begin as planned on Thursday 1st May.  Which actually better than my original estimation, and I am proud that we have got there in 55 weeks.


Pagan Paths - our work in progress book has been growing steadily and has had over 360 views in 3 weeks.  We are continually looking for new authors to add their own Path into the book.  If you wish to contribute please send a maximum of 4 pages to blueskycompany@europe.com

To view the book follow this link http://issuu.com/moonshadowmedia/docs/pagan_paths_-_book_the_first


Our business alliance with R+L Digital Media is blossoming and we will be filming the promotional film of an Ilfracombe hotel on the 18th May and then we have to work on a proposal for another short promo film for a Equine therapist.  So this is a very exciting time for the R+L / Moonshadow partnership.

And Finally

This morning it has become apparent that there are several people who would like to have a meditation group located in Ilfracombe................. I explained to the assembled throng that I used to run one but closed it through lack of patronage.  The chorus was a request that I reform the group - so this is now firmly back on the Agenda, along with the Crystal Stream Light Centre - will keep everyone posted regarding that.

So until the next time we speak have a great day and I wish you all

Love, Light and Blessed Be.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

In The Loop 25/4/14

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

In The Loop 24/4/14

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

In The Loop 23/4/14

Tom Newman Interview

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Contact Information update

Capstone Radio / CauldronFM / Coaching Radio / Moonshadow Media / Wytchwynd Photography can now all be contacted by using Skype.

The account is under the name of moonshadowmedia

So, if you have the Skype system you can now keep in touch.

Newsflash 17/4/14

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

In The Loop 17/4/14

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

In The Loop 16/4/14

Monday, 14 April 2014

In The Loop 15/4/14

Sunday, 13 April 2014

In The Loop 14/4/14

New Track from Whyte Raven

Hi Everyone

Well it is a long time since I was able to post an update and lots of things are in the pipeline - first off I am proud to announce that there is a new track from Whyte Raven - it is taken from the Circus Macabre album and it is the only vocal track on said album to present. The track is called Summerland Ball.

I am pleased to say that there is going to be an exhibition of 3 photographers work, including some ofmy photography, in Ilfracombe during May - dates to be confirmed yet but it is likely to be the later of the two Bank Holidays - all this being subject to the venue confirming the availability of the space offered.

Moonshadow Media has started a new book project - the book is entitled Pagan Paths and it is going to be  a collection of 30 people's accounts of their personal journey into a life of Paganism.  The draft version of the book can be found by visiting this link Pagan Paths  Once you have read this if you feel that it is something that you would like to be included in, please email your story to blueskycompany@europe.com

Capstone Radio has recently completed an all day trial of its radio stream and we are looking to be having a regular streaming service on line by the end of the month.

CauldronFM is broadcasting another online Full Moon meditation on Tuesday 15th April at 7.30pm UK time.  The link to go to for that is myradiostream.com/cauldronfm

So that just about sums it up for this post have a fantastic day and I will speak to you again soon

Love, Light and Blessed Be

Thursday, 10 April 2014

In The Loop 11/4/14

Business Eye: R+L Digital Media

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

In The Loop 10/4/14

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

In The Loop 9/4/14

Monday, 7 April 2014

In The Loop 8/4/14

Sunday, 6 April 2014

In The Loop 7/4/14

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Happy Birthday Capstone Radio

Thursday, 3 April 2014

In The Loop 4/3/14

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

In The Loop 3/4/14

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

In The Loop 2/4/14

Monday, 31 March 2014

In The Loop 1/4/14

Sunday, 30 March 2014

In The Loop 31/03/14

Friday, 28 March 2014

In The Loop 28/03/14

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Tao Section 14

All the gossip..................

Hi and welcome to a cold morning here in Ilfracombe.  It is Thursday the 27th March and although it is dry there is an icy chill in the air.

So I thought it would be useful to give you the latest news from Moonshadow HQ.

Over recent weeks I have been approached from different angles to provide content for or services to people from various organisations around the town.  I feel very flattered by this and will do my best to provide everything that has been requested of me, however there has been one tiny incident that marred everything and left a sour taste in my mouth.

Someone had been asked to prepare a press piece about the work I do with Capstone Radio and it required input from me which I duly provided in the form of a potted biography, a timeline and details of some (not all) of my future plans.

Naturally, I was very excited by this gift of an opportunity to tell my story via the press and furnished the writer with all the necessary information and sat back to await the publication.

However, my bubble soon burst!  How come you may ask (or maybe not).

The person who was to compile the article, who was completely unaware of what had been said before the information was submitted, took it upon themselves to contact me directly. Whilst I will not quote what was actually said, the gist of the message was a veiled accusation that I was taking advantage of someone who was ill.   They commented that it was their opinion that my efforts with Capstone Radio were commercial and as such I would be required to pay for any copy that was written.  The message also contained information that revealed that the notes taken at a private meeting on Monday had been read by this 3rd party.

Now I may be old fashioned or something BUT I consider that notes taken at a meeting between two people, behind closed doors and left on the desk in their office are not for public viewing.  Moreover, if they are viewed by a 3rd party he or she has absolutely no right to contact either person present at the meeting and question what was said.

I quickly pointed out that the offer of a press release was made voluntarily.  It was not courted by myself in any way, nor did I know that the other person at the meeting was ill and finally I pointed out that whilst Capstone Radio has been operational for almost a year (see below) it has generated significantly less money than £0.00 per annum. The reality is that it runs at a loss, and is costing me money day in day out, but it has the "potential" to become a financially viable operation but that is not the situation at present.

The response was, to say the least, comic in it's delivery - the aforesaid person wrote another email communication quickly turning full circle and saying that they hoped I was not offended and that they would be happy to included a half page piece about Capstone Radio in their next publication on the proviso that I wrote it myself and adding the following comment

"to spread some awareness of your project we could do it as a feature and it would be for free, I guess there's nothing in your kitty so no charge!" - Talk about adding insult to injury!!!! 
(I added the highlight etc. in the quotation for emphasis).  

I wrote back stating that I was not offended but that in the light of the comments they had made I would be withdrawing from the situation with immediate effect.

So that is where that particular saga is left at present and who know which way it will go now.

Capstone Radio is 1 year old on Saturday 5th April so keep your eyes open for some information about that.  

This Saturday 29th is "Take Over Saturday" where Capstone Radio hijacks the CauldronFM radio stream for 4 hours.  This is the final test before launching our own dedicated stream during April.

Optimum Living Channel is going to have some new videos posted over the coming few weeks and these will be dealing with the subject of Mindfulness.  There will be videos exploring Mindful Meditations, Mindful Eating and more besides.


The Whyte Raven Limited Edition guided meditation CD The Magick Of The Forest is selling at £5.99 plus P+P and the initial sales are encouraging and would suggest that it will sell out by mid year.  To make sure that you get your signed and numbered copy drop an email to moonshadowmedia@mail.com  

To listen to the promo for the album follow this link  http://bit.ly/1mNYI9h


And finally for this post Altered Image Life Coaching is in the process of changing its name and branding.
The facebook page has already been rebranded as The Big Blue Sky Company and the email address is now blueskycompany@europe.com

So that brings the rambling for today to a close.  I hope to speak to you again soon and until I do I will wish you

Love + Light. 
and remember  

Don't Predict the Future - CREATE IT!!!

In The Loop 27/03/14

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

In The Loop 26/03/14

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Saturday Take Over

In The Loop 25/03/14

Monday, 24 March 2014

In The Loop 24/03/14

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Special Report - Ilfracombe Trio help fire victim

Friday, 21 March 2014

In The Loop 21/03/14

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Fire destroys home and leaves occupier with nothing

Following last night's house fire between Chambercombe Park and Foxbear Road, I have just been informed that the elderly lady whose house it was has lost everything bar her cat and the clothes she is standing up in (which i am told were provided by the Fire Service). It is proposed that on Sunday I will be interviewing David Jones of Hele Mill and Paul Clews regarding the Trust Fund that David is setting up and the benefit gig that Paul Clews wants to run. In the meantime if you are offering any form of assistance please drop me a message either by inbox or to capstoneradio@mail.com
and we will include you in any info that we are given as these ideas progress.
Like ·  · 
  • PiXie DuSt Urgent
    Re: June Booth, lady whose house burnt down last night. A spark set fire to her chair within a minute of leaving the room, June only just managed to get out before the smoke overwhelmed her. She has only the clothes the firemen gave her ! While 
    her house is insured the contents were not. I do not think she has any relations. Her immediate needs are for clothes.
    Size 18
    Likes sports wear 
    In her late sixties ( didn't dare ask her age)
    Shoes size 6
    Trousers leg 27" - 29"
    These can be dropped off at either William Hills in the High st the manager her Neighbour Linda Clarke
    Pinehurst Nursing Home 
    Kerry Ann Turton is the Manager Please spread the word
    Again no money yet until we can organise a secure route
    4 minutes ago · Like

Ilfracombe songwriter and Reverbnation chart topper Whyte Raven has agreed to take part in the benefit gig.

Latest reports coming in are that her property was insured but that the contents were not covered