Monday, 14 November 2016

A re-run of our Lammas 2013 post

Merrie Meet - as we are now re-running some of our earlier shows on here, for the benefit of people who have not heard them before, this is the show from Lammas 2013  Click on the link below to take a listen..  We really hope that you enjoy it.

Merlin's Lammas Musing 2013

Blessed Be


Thursday, 10 November 2016

Spellcasting #1

Merrie Meet and the Brightest of Blessings to you on this Thursday afternoon in November

Here is the first part of a new feature that we are starting: -

We are re-running some of our earlier broadcasts from Cauldron FM here.  This is the first in a short series that we called "Spellcasting"

We hope that you will enjoy it.

Love, Light and Blessed Be
