Friday, 24 May 2019

Things That Every Aspiring Wytch Needs (24/05/19)

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash
Whether you are just starting out on your path into The Craft or are an experienced practitioner, it can be useful to familiarise yourself with some of the basics.  This post contains information about some items for magick that can be found in local shops and people who are among your friends.....

Things That Every Aspiring Wytch Needs

A Spell Book – there are many books on spellworking but it may not be easy to find books that contain only spells that require ingredients that are easy to find in the local shops. 

If you are a beginner it might be better to buy a book that is designed for people at that level and a visit to a local book shop or an online retailer may have something that is ideally suited to those at the start of this journey.

Basilthis multi – purpose herb has many uses in magick, it can bring good fortune in money and love.  It hold cleansing and lightening properties.  Basil can be used for money, prosperity and love workings.  You can also use it once it has been “steeped like tea” to mop floors

Garlic - is often considered a protection from vampires, however it is also useful for the removal of negativity and to purify thoughts and places.  It also holds a place in medicine because of the great healing properties it possesses..

Ginger this is very potent and as such it should be the smallest component of any spell working, it makes spells perform faster and it can enhance passion

Mint – you can use mint to make charms work faster or to prepare your mind and intentions so that they are aligned with the charm’s magick.  Mint can also be sprayed of sprinkled in an office or workplace to increase the mental vibrations.

You can add a teaspoon of mint to a cup of boiling water and then let it cool then add it to the water you use to rinse after washing your hair (make sure to scrub your scalp thoroughly as you do this as it will stimulate mental activity and get rid of dullness.

Rosemarythis is considered to have many powerful properties although it is mainly used for cleansing and protection rituals.  You can place it in your pockets or under your pillow. 

Rosemary can also be used (out of reach and secure from children) in the children’s bedrooms to protect them from negative energy.  It is also said that if you keep a sprig of Rosemary by your heart it will always remain open.

RosewaterUseful as a floor wash because it is a mild protective agent that helps eliminate heavy vibrations, thus making your home or ritual space more comfortable.

You can splash Rosewater around when you are feeling a bit jaded or down, because it acts as a magnet for loving vibrations.

To make your own Rosewater place 6 cups of fresh rose petals into a saucepan, then add four cups of rainwater.  Bring to the boil and keep boiling for about 10 – 15 minutes.  Leave to cool and then decant (using a strainer) into a sealable bottle for use in your magick. 

Shop bought roses and clean tap water will work well if you don’t have fresh roses and rainwater.

Sage – a herb of wisdom and healing.  A teaspoon of sage in a cup of boiling water can be added to a bath to help destroy illusions and to solve problems.  It can be added to a charm bag to help your expectations about a spell be more realistic.

Sandalwood Incense – Sandalwood is believed to have protective properties and is used in spells and charms in order to banish negative forces from your life.  It is extremely aromatic and produces a very pleasant aroma when burnt.

Sugar – the main use of sugar is for attracting people and then sweetening them to your wishes.  To attract more customers and “sweeten” a business then sprinkle a little around the entrance – this will have the effect of drawing people in.  To add a little bit more of a boost you could also include Cinnamon in the mix because this is considered to be extremely lucky.

Friends Who Are Open Minded – it is very important to have friends who don’t take themselves too seriously when you first start to become a practitioner of magick. 

Do not invite people who feel they are “above it” to your magickal workings because casting spells and stating what you want to have happen can be a little daunting and you need to feel supported.

Also, having people who are negative can obstruct your workings, interrupt your connection to the spirit world and therefore make your magick less effective.

Blessed Be!


If this post has raised any questions please drop them into an email addressed to

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Most of the radio shows from Cauldron FM are now located on our podcast host site.  So if you would like to give them a listen please follow this link

So now I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


© Delphine Bowden (reproduced with kind permission)

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