Thursday, 18 August 2016

The "We Support Small Businesses" campaign

Late last night my business partner in "The Crystal Spring" posted on Facebook that she wanted to support small businesses and show them some "love" by hitting the "love" icon on every small business post that she discovered while going about her business on Facebook.

I spotted her post this morning and as soon as I did I got the old familiar wobbles in the tummy that signify "this is something I want to get behind"

My brain went into overdrive and I began to see Facebook pages, window stickers posters etc and an initiative that could grow into a national campaign very quickly.  Below is the very first idea that sprung into my mind.

I think that the reason it struck a chord with me is that for years I have worked with and in small businesses and so I fully know and understand how hard it can be to build a business from scratch.  It is not an easy process and as Kaz said to me this morning "it is full of ups and downs"

Therefore to do my bit for the campaign I have posted the message on Facebook and already shown "love" to 2 small businesses here in North Devon.

However - and this is where it gets serious folks - we don't just need a show of support on Facebook although that is a great platform to get the campaign rolling - we need people to support the businesses by purchasing from, using the services of, visiting the shops of etc etc  This way we are not simply just "talking the talk" but we are also "walking the walk"

So go on be brave and join Kaz and I in supporting small businesses!

All the best


Wednesday, 17 August 2016

North Devon Firefly and Faery Fayre 27/07/16

Cauldron FM has sponsored this event for the past 2 years by way of radio coverage and photography.  Again, the day was warm and sunny and the views of the Bristol Channel from the grounds of Clovelly Village Hall are stunning.

Whilst there did not appear to be as many stalls in the hall there definitely seemed to be more outside.  Another change was that the stage in the afternoon was devoted to Karen of Littlebirds Therapy Centre in Ilfracombe for her Gong Bath treatments (and very nice they are too!!!)

Outside during the afternoon a variety of musicians entertained the visitors.

And although I did not attend the ball in the evening I am told that a great time was had by all, excellent company and good music.

Roll On Next Year !!!!  - 22/07/17

Pip n Jim's Garden Party for the Queen's 90th Birthday

The busy June continued onwards and the same day as I took the official Victorian Photograph I was also asked to take another set of photographs by the North Devon Gazette - these were of the Garden Party that was being held in the grounds of Pip n Jim's Church in St James Place, Ilfracombe to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday

So after lunch and with camera in hand I made my way across to the church and started taking photographs.  The main attraction of the event was the South Molton Town Band and following a performance of approximately half an hour during which they played traditional brass pieces, some hymns and surprisingly some very modern pop music pieces the crowd feasted on home made cakes and tea, coffee and orange juice.

All photographs by "wytchwynd photography"

to visit the "wytchwynd photography" website go to

The Victorians are coming

Hi it has been a long time since I put (well I was going to say pen to paper but that would be incorrect) fingers to keyboard so I thought best rectify that forthwith so here goes.

Back in June Wytchwynd Photography (in effect me!) was appointed to take the official photograph for the Victorian Week Celebrations in Ilfracombe.  This photograph was to be taken of the assembled group of persons in Victorian Costume at the foot of Capstone Hill (or so I was led to believe).  In reality the photography had to be done looking across at said hill from the roof of J D Wetherspoon's "Admiral Collingwood" public house.

Unfortunately for me this lack of the correct information provided me with a challenge to say the least but eventually I overcame it and produced the following photograph which I have to say the Chairman was most pleased with and he ordered 12 copies.

As the week progressed I took a lot more photographs and there were a number of them printed in the North Devon Gazette.  So all in all the event turned out to be quite a success for Wytchwynd Photography

Visit the wytchwynd photography website at