When you are starting the journey into being a wytch (witch) there seems to be an incredible choice of routes or paths that are available to you.
Such a vast range of choice can,
to say the least, be confusing. The
choices that open to you become even more numerous if you choose to traverse an
eclectic path into the craft.
Because there is so much to
choose from, it may be advisable to look at all the separate elements you
discover. You can then put together the
parts that work for you, thus creating your own, very individual,
There are so many ways to define
The Craft that you really need to identify what practices you feel that your
Solitary path must include. Once you
have done that you will be better able to look for the information that you
At this point it might be useful
to note that the spelling of key words is not critical. It is more about what we do rather than how
we spell it. A lot of it is simply down
to personal preferences. (For myself,
because I like Old English type spellings, I often style myself as a “wytch”
and state that I practice “magick”)
Another thing that can affect the
path you follow is whether you are interested in any particular cultural
practices and /or Gods and Goddesses.
It may be worth remembering that
witchcraft can be non – religious and can be a “stand alone” practice or used
alongside any other established religion.
There are a number of very good
books on the subject of Witchcraft and 2 notable examples are the ABC of Witchcraft and Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente
If you wish to follow a path that
is more akin to Wicca then Wicca: A
Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham may prove useful
but, as a word of advice, it does not follow that practicing the ideas that are
contained within the book does not make you Wiccan.
If a Wicca-based path is not of your
choosing, then another option could be to read Evolutionary Witchcraft by T. Thorn Coyle which is based more on
Feri Trad Witchcraft (founded by Victor and Cora Anderson).
There are many publications
available that will guide you through the seasonal celebrations, moon phases
(there are even apps available to guide you with these). Additionally there is also a very useful free
app that I use called the Wiccan Wheel
of the Year (found in the app store as “Year Wheel”).
Finally let us take a look at the
frequently misunderstood group of 8 simple words that make up the Wiccan Rede.
The Rede actually states “an’ it harm none,
do what thou will”
Translated, this wonderful piece
of advice means that as long
as your actions do no harm to anyone, you are free to do what you wish.
The hidden message is - if you do
take actions that cause harm to someone or something, then you must understand
that there will be consequences and that you will be required to face them,
are many other factors that form your journey to find your place and for some people
that journey may include taking the decision that you no longer wish to be a solitary
practitioner and finding a local coven to join.
may also find that a “mentor” could be a great asset as you travel on your
journey, someone with plenty of experience who could be a very worthwhile
teacher and guide.
someone is put off by use of the word wytch (witch), just tell them that it
really means “wise woman” or, put another way someone who is trained in the
arts of communicating with nature and whatever you call the invisible power
that spins the planets and governs the tides.
For me,
that is Universal Being, The Goddess, God, Creator, all of which are
interchangeable according to my needs or mood in the moment.
My days
are just like those of anyone else, albeit that my days are suited to my own
personality and the magick that I need to perform. It is my contention that all
of us, solitary as well as wytches (witches) belonging to a coven, would find
such practices useful.
Put simply magick is: “a co-operation with universal energy
to attract or shape events in our lives”.
But, without being disciplined in the following daily habits
it would likely prove difficult to create magic of any kind.
Connection with Nature
Consultation with Runes, Tarot, Oracles
Connection with Magickal Tools (altar, athame, candles,
A Book of Shadows (containing journal entries) or a separate
Magickal journal.
tools all help Magick to become what it truly is:–
Intention coming to fruition
I wish you every success on your path and in
your practice and that the learning journey is as wonderful and joyous
experience for you as it is for me.
21ST September 2017
So now as we come to the end of this
post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you
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So now I will wish you the best things that life can give and say
Love, Light and Blessed Be!
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