Friday, 8 September 2017

Hints and Tips for Urban and Kitchen Witches

Merrie Meet

After the heavy posts of the last 3 weeks, that would probably have required a lot of effort to get into the flow of each piece, I decided to come up with something that made for a little lighter reading.  So here are a few Hints & Tips for Urban and Kitchen Witches. 

Urban Witch

Play a special song (or playlist) to activate protection while you are roaming around town

Download and keep both a grimoire and tarot apps on your mobile (cell) phone.

Enchant a rollerball perfume for confidence

Carry a pepper spray (use a container with protection charms or sigils)

Write wishes onto bay leaves and drop them from the car window as you are driving around (or simply drop them as you are walking)

Keep a few spare (or extra) coins in your pocket to give as offerings

Embroider a protective sigil onto your favourite “wandering round” jacket

Carry an amulet to ensure that you catch your bus or train on time.

Kitchen Witch

Never boil herbal preparations in aluminium pans.  Use only copper, earthenware or Pyrex to avoid contamination of the herbs

Keep an aloe vera plant in the kitchen – the plant is a bringer of good luck plus the juices are an instant cure for minor burns

Keep unlucky influences away from magickal recipes by stirring in a clockwise direction

Store home made incenses in corked jars (tightly capped jars provide a suitable alternative)

Allow magickal incense, potpourri and sachets to age over several months before use

When the moon is Cancer, Scorpio, Libra or Pisces it is the best time to plant herb or vegetable gardens

The period of the waxing moon is the best time to prepare aphrodisiacs or love philters

Extrasensory perception is hightened at the time of the Full Moon so this is the ideal time to prepare and use potions that increase psychic abilities

Always have a lunar calendar or chart in the kitchen that way you will be able to see the phases of he moon and its movement through the wheel of the zodiac

Candles will keep their shape better and burn longer if they have been kept in the freezer

Basil grown in a pot in the kitchen will keep the area safe from negative spirits

And finally

A quartz crystal placed near the stove when you are cooking makes the food taste much better.


So now as we come to the end of this post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you have liked this and the other posts on this blog, please click the link to follow us. 

Unfortunately our online radio station CauldronFM that normally broadcasts 24/7 has gone off air due to Internet issues that we are working hard to repair. 

We have both a page and a group on Facebook that are CauldronFM and CauldronFM – the sound of magick respectively.

If you have any question you can email us at

So now I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


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