Thursday, 21 June 2018

Solstice / Litha Blessings

Merrie Meet

As the wheel turns to the Summer Solstice I would like to wish everyone of you a very Blessed Time and look forward to bringing you a new blog post very soon.

Until then

Love, Light and the Brightest of Blessings


©Delphine Bowden: reproduced with permission

Friday, 15 June 2018

Updates and Changes

©Delphine Bowden (reproduced with kind permission)

Merrie Meet

As we follow our journey through this life we often find that sometimes things that were once a major part of our existence sometimes have to take a little more of a back seat and whilst this situation may not be to our liking other matters tend to get in the way....

Friday, 8 June 2018

Making and Sending Energy Balls

Merrie Meet

Energy transcends time and space. Once you learn how to “send energy” you can do it for healing purposes, or even change the outcome of a future event or even send it to the past although the actual past event is unlikely to change, the impact it has will be much better for you.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Some Thirteen Goals of a Wiccan

(©2018 wytchwynd photography / Delphine Bowden)

Merrie Meet and well come to A Little Bit of Magick here we explore some of the elements of the path that we have chosen to follow.  I welcome any comments and should any of you feel that you would like to contribute something to these pages by way of articles, rituals or practical tips please feel contact via the email address given below or make a comment in the box. 

So now let us take a look at some thirteen goals of a Wiccan -
Know yourself – It is of vital importance that you get to know who you are and what you stand for as you travel along the Wiccan Path.
Know your Craft – to be a practical Wiccan one needs to have a working knowledge of the Craft and how to apply that knowledge.
Learn – always be prepared to learn, people can often provide tips and useful insights as we move and meet along our paths
Apply knowledge with wisdom – be considerate and careful about how you use the knowledge that you gain whilst walking this path.
Achieve balance - always strive for balance in all that you do
Keep your words in good order – do not speak ill of people in your conversations
Keep your thoughts in good order – be mindful of the thoughts you think, thoughts are things!
Celebrate life – life is sacred!
Attune with the cycles of the Earth – learn to recognise the fluctuations in your body and as the Earth moves through Her cycle feel the changes within you.
Breathe and eat correctly – this does not only apply to people who walk the Wiccan path.
Exercise the body – regular, gentle exercise is important to keep the machine in good form.
Meditate – often the stillness of the mind reveals many secrets.
Honour the Lord and Lady – their presence is Divine and should always be recognised as such.
I truly hope that you have found these points to be of interest and I look forward to bringing you another post very soon. 
Don’t forget that we are now re-running our successful pagan radio shows on our podcast (see the link below) and there will soon be some new shows being added to the already growing list.

If this post has raised any questions please drop an email to

So now as we come to the end of this post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you have liked this and the other posts on this blog, please click the link to follow us. 

We have a page and a group on Facebook and they are CauldronFM and CauldronFM – the sound of magick respectively.

We are  now in the process of adding all the radio shows from Cauldron FM onto our new podcast host site.  So if you would like to give them a listen please follow the link below

So now, as we come to the end of this post I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!
