Friday, 8 March 2019

The Podcast and more

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Merrie Meet

Well the podcast is almost ready but owing to "life" getting in the way it is still further delayed.  I really apologise for this so in the meantime here is re-working of a post from a few years ago to keep you going this week......

This post is all about

Creating a Book of Shadows

The first step to creating a Book of Shadows is to really understand what it is, what it means and why do we have it.

So let me begin by defining what my understanding is! 

A Book of Shadows is a means of storing any relevant information that is useful to you as you follow your personal journey into and through Magick whatever route that takes.  

Personally I tend to ensure that mine is added to regularly and it has become a valuable reference tool for my ongoing workings.  Some people say that the book should be entirely hand written, others say it can be a mixture of both hand and electronic writings and a third section are more than happy with it all kept in an electronic format.

So don’t let anyone tell you that their way is the only correct way to create and keep a Book of Shadows.  There is NO right or wrong way – see what way is best for you.

A word of caution – if you choose to make all the entries in your own handwriting please ensure that your writing is legible enough that you will be able to read your notes during a ritual or spellworking etc.

Getting Organised.

To re-iterate what I said earlier – there is no hard and fast way to do this but here are some guidelines to assist you in formulating your ideas.

Starting with a ring binder is probably one of the most convenient ways – mine is in a simple purple coloured 2-ring variety – but you could also use an A4 or A5 notebook. 

However way you choose to keep your book it should contain a title page and this should include your name because remember you are creating a Magickal object and it should be treated as such.  A lot of witches simply write

The Book of Shadows of…………………. (your name). 

My own is inscribed with the words Merlin’s Book of Shadows and a Pentagram.

Once you have made the decision about your title page then you are probably going to be faced with the same dilemma as most of us – “what do I include and in what order?” 

Tabbed pages, a table of contents at the front and an index at the back work well – remember that it will keep growing and these will often need to be updated.  It is useful to keep a record of the sources where you find new spells, rituals etc. as you can then refer back to them for any updates or further pieces that you wish to add into you Book of Shadows.

Suggestions about the things you can include in your Book of Shadows.

Almost every Book of Shadows includes the following sections but remember yours is personal to you and you can design the layout as you will.

If you are a member of a Coven or follow a particular tradition then a section that details “the rules” is extremely useful.  The items included serve to remind you about what is or is not acceptable behaviour.

However, if you are a solitary practitioner or part of an eclectic tradition (one without written rules) it is a good idea to use this section to note what you consider to be the acceptable rules of Magick.  If you don’t create some guidelines it is impossible to know if you have crossed them.

In my personal Book of Shadows I have included a copy of the Wiccan Rede at the start of the book.

Dedication – this can be as intricate or as simple as you wish.  Some people include a copy of their initiation ceremony if they are member of a coven, others will dedicate themselves to a Goddess or God.  Again it is a matter of personal choice how this is worded.  – please email me directly if you would like me to provide you with a copy of my Dedication.

Gods and Goddesses – depending on which tradition you follow there may be a single God or Goddess or there may be a number of them.  A section of myths and legends about your particular Deities can be very useful for reference purposes.  Again if your practice is eclectic this section is an ideal place to keep a record of the different spiritual paths in your blend.

Correspondence Information – I believe that these are some of the most important pages of your Book of Shadows and you will probably need to include sections on – Crystals / Stones; Phases of The Moon; Colours.  You could collate and transfer the information concerning properties and uses onto a chart that you can use for easy reference when needed.

You could also include a section on herbs and their uses and create a similar ready table.  Herbs and plants are probably at the very heart of spell casting because they have been used by people for thousands of years 

Cautionary Note:- many plants and herbs should not be ingested and it is important to research thoroughly before you take anything internally

Sabbats, Esbats and Other Rituals – one of the important “aide memoire” is the Wheel of the Year – it includes the 8 festivals / holidays celebrated by most Pagans and Wiccans.  It is useful to include a page detailing the information about each one and its rituals.  You can if you wish write your own personal ritual for each and include that in this particular section. 

If you choose to celebrate the Full Moon then you could include whatever ritual you use in this section and you might wish to include a section on “Casting A Circle” or “Drawing Down The Moon” 

You could also include any rites that you may have for protection, prosperity, healing or similar.

Divination – a section containing information on Tarot, Astrology, Scrying or any form of divination can be a very useful inclusion in you Book of Shadows.  You could also include information about what you have done and the results you obtained whilst using these processes. Such a record can prove to be valuable reference information. 

Sacred Texts – do you have a poem, chant or an ancient prayer in an old language that moves you to the very Centre of Your Being.  This is an ideal section to keep a record of them

Magickal Recipes – probably of great interest to “Kitchen Witches” but not limited to them could be a section on recipes such as oils, potions and herbal blends as well as food recipes for Sabbats etc.  Remember that throughout the ages the kitchen has been regarded as the centre of the home so the inclusion of this section could be seen by some as vital to any Book of Shadows

Spellcraft – this is a matter of personal choice!  A large number of people prefer to keep their spells in a Grimoire and entirely separate from the Book of Shadows.  If you do choose to keep them in a separate section of your Book of Shadows that is fine but a useful suggestion could be to leave a “notes” space to record your results – when it was performed and the outcome at the very least.

So as that brings this piece into the final stages it is worth making mention of the fact that it is possible to create an online (electronic) Book of Shadows and to keep it as a blog should you so desire or you could use various note taking applications and keep it private.

The choice as they say - is yours!


So now as we come to the end of this post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you have liked this and the other posts on this blog, please click the link to follow us. 

If you have any question you can email me at

So now I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


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