Friday, 29 March 2019

Creating A Home Fit For A Wytch (29/03/19)

Merrie Meet

Welcome to this latest blog post about creating a home that is Fit For A Wytch

A special way of adding magick to your home is to set up an altar. Be as discreet or as elaborate as you like and your lifestyle allows.

Find a table top surface, a shelf or a bookcase, etc. where you can position your altar. Preferably, it should be out of reach of pets and small children (unless you actually want to make it a pets or childrens’ altar).

I would suggest that you create an altar that will represent the four elements: earth, air, fire, water.  However you could set up an altar to honour your gods and goddesses, or create a meditation space by adding stones, crystals, seashells, feathers, and herbs to the altar.

You could also place pictures of angels, deities, ancestors, etc. on you altar along with candles, incense burners, oil diffusers, and more. The choices are endless!

Growing native plants around your home invites mother nature to take up residence. The positive energies will translate to positive energy inside your home, as well.

But, don’t worry if you don’t have a garden. You could grow plants in pots on a balcony, a patio, or even in a sunny window! Herbs will do well in pots, and so do many flowers.

What magical home would be complete without a garden?
It is about putting in the time and effort, and eventually you will learn what grows well in your climate and what does not?

You can buy or grow plants that are native to your area then you will have plants that are accustomed to the land where you live and therefore easy to grow.  Such plants will also attract and supply food or shelter for essential wildlife such as bees, butterflies, rabbits, birds and the like.

Wytch like Decorating Ideas

This is the fun part!

Depending on the objects themselves and where you put them, the following elements will draw in abundance, health, love, peace, success, etc.

Add Fire & Air

The best decorating ideas centre around the four elements.

By hanging wind chimes in your doorways and around your house, you are adding gentle, whimsical sounds and thus you are invoking the air element.

One of my favourite suggestions for enchanting a home is to use candles. 

Generally we have candles burning in most rooms every day.  As you light them you can see your home’s ambiance change from the mundane to the truly magickal!

By doing this simple action you are calling on the element of fire.

Add Earth & Water

Houseplants draw in the earth energy.

African violets, succulents, and ivies are often favourites but i would invite you to experiment with different houseplants to find what you like best.

Be careful which plants you use though because some are toxic to pets and children. Place plants all around your home to bring in these earthy, healing energies.

Rose quartz, amethyst, and selenite are great for the home. Small water fountains and vessels of water honour the water element in your magickal home.

Cleansing Your Magickal Home

A spiritual home cleansing removes any negative energy that has either 
invaded or built up over time.

I think that the most powerful way to cleanse a home of negative energy is to perform a smudging ritual using some of the most powerful herbs such as: white sage, rosemary, and palo santo.

Research how to carry out a smudging ritual and then cleanse your home.  

Make sure that you open the windows or doors to allow the negative energy to escape. This is crucial!

To create a sacred space means to cleanse and prepare an area for divine connection, much like the “sanctuary” in a church.

You can make your entire home into sacred space. The first step in making your home a magical home is to envision it as one big magical circle.

There is plenty of information about that will help you to learn how to make a magical home with cleansing, protection, gardening, and other wytch styling and decorating ideas.

Magickal Protection

And finally a word about Magickal Protection. 

We all know that our homes protect us from the outside world and they also provide us with privacy. But when we make our homes magical that is not quite enough, we also need to think about spiritual protection.

If you have never energetically cleansed your home, this will be your first step to making your home magical. This is also something to repeat once a month (preferably on the new or waning moon) or whenever you feel the need.

After following you cleansing you need to establish a magickal barrier by
blessing the doorways, windows and entrances into your home.  Using olive oil, essential oils or any kind of oil, draw a protective symbol on each window and door, such as a pentacle, a cross, or runic symbols.  The same blessing can also be carried out with the use of moon water

You can then add other protective elements if you so wish, such as herb bags; salt in the windows and thresholds; dreamcatchers; iron horseshoes above doorways and lastly you could use a sprinkling of red brick dust over the thresholds.

So there we have a few ideas about how you can make your home fit for a wytch to inhabit.  I hope that you have fun and that you will live in peace, happiness and prosperity.

Love, Light and

Blessed Be!


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