Friday, 8 December 2017

Embracing The Mysterious (feminine)

The feminine aspect of Source births everything into creation.

Whether you’re male or female, if you can get in touch with the mysterious feminine within all of us, you can create the peaceful healing you desire.

The message is all about connecting to your Authentic Self, the true self or to put it a different way your Divine essence.  From there, all creative solutions are revealed.

Move in the direction of your joy, excitement, and inspiration.  I every moment make choices that honour yourself   Always choose love over anger or fear.

Trust your inner knowing and step out of a world controlled by your ego 

Put your egoic mind to work and use it as a tool of the heart!

The ego is needed to live in the physical world reality, but we do not need to let it be in control.  The key is in shifting your perspective from an ego-based way of being, where fear and separation dominate, and move it to a heart-centred existence, where love, compassion, and joy guide your decisions.

By opening up yourself to the Divine Mother (the mysterious feminine) within, she will nurture and support you.

With absolute vulnerability comes absolute power, the power of your own perfection.  Surrender to this power.  Surrender to love and let go of your ego’s desire to fight for what it thinks it needs.

You are an infinite Divine Being, already complete with everything you could ever need. 

Fear, anger, and resentment will cloud your ability to see your own innate wholeness.

By choosing compassion for yourself, a spouse and also for the parts of you that are hurting inside, you reveal the mysterious feminine, which is at the root of creation.

You are intimately connected to All That Is. 

You can never be separate from It; It is within you, it is you.  Listen to the voice, that still, small voice inside of you and you will discover that the way out of challenging situations is through the healing power of love.

Conflict brings about further conflict, whilst peaceful resolution is created through going inside to resolve any inner conflict. 

A journey of self-discovery that helps to heal the hurt within!  By doing this you will see that there never was any real conflict; there was only ever your Divine Loving Essence.  All else is just an illusion set up by you as a learning opportunity.

The next time you are faced with a major choice in your life, even if it’s only choosing your attitude towards another person, choose to listen to the voice of the mysterious feminine, who will be telling you to choose love, choose peace, choose to surrender to your Divine Essence, choose to take back control over your choices from your conflict-driven ego, choose to create solutions, not positions.

Every conflict has a peaceful solution built-in, which can only be revealed by choosing love.  Begin accepting responsibility for your own emotional reactions to the circumstances in which you find yourself 

You can decide to let ego reign and allow your emotions to control you or you can choose to trust that, “without fail, she reveals her presence. Without fail, she brings us to our own perfection.”

She is always there, birthing new creative solutions.  She is always only a choice away.

Love & Light and Blessed Be

Discovered on the internet and adapted by Dave Baxter (The Merlin)

The above piece was created from an original work by
Michael C. Cotugno, Esq.
Conscious Divorce Attorney & Coach
M.A. in Spiritual Psychology


So now as we come to the end of this post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you have liked this and the other posts on this blog, please click the link to follow us. 

We have both a page and a group on Facebook that are CauldronFM and CauldronFM – the sound of magick respectively.

If this post has raised any questions please drop an email to

So now I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


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