Friday, 30 March 2018

Where Do We Go From Here?

Merrie Meet

Welcome to A Little Bit of Magick.  This page is designed to be a meeting ground for pagans everywhere no matter which route they choose to follow.  Because eventually we will all end up in the same place.

That opening statement is certainly very apt in my personal life at present but before we go any further the purpose of this post is not to wallow in self pity but more to shed light. Thus I need to explain about the events that have led to this post.

Approximately 3 weeks ago my brother in law passed away leaving a wife, daughters, sons and grandchildren. 

Now some would say that at the age of 88 and having led an active and productive life he had “had a good innings” but when you have to sit down and write a eulogy and to be able to do so you have to be able to sum that life up in 5 minutes it is difficult.

Do you focus on your memories, do you focus on the family, do you focus on career, do you focus on beliefs or quite simply do you cherry pick snippets and add a touch of humour into an otherwise sombre occasion?

Whichever way you choose it is likely that someone will say “well he never mentioned so and so!”  In truth we can only do our best in our oral tribute to the deceased so we must cover whatever we believe to be appropriate at the time.

So by now you might be thinking what on earth has this to do with anything………. Well let me tell you!

It has quite a lot to do with everything, because, Irrespective of the paths we follow through this life we all die! 

I really believe that somewhere, somehow a tiny spark of who we were remains bound to this earthly plain. 

Yes, I believe that as pagans we go to the Summerlands, Christians believe that we go to heaven, the Norse (as I understand it) believe that spirits either go to Valhalla or to Freyja’s Field. 

It would appear from my somewhat limited research that many of the faiths around the globe have created a notional place of residence for departed souls

I also believe that we live on in our children, we are as the ripples in a pond spreading outwards on and on.

So in closing this short discourse I would like to add that if my belief is correct and we continue to live on in some way or other after we die, then surely we must endeavour to live the best life we can whilst we are alive.

As such our legacy (being what remains after we pass) will be the best it can possibly be.   We can only achieve this by following the paths of honesty, kindness, integrity and authenticity and, if like me you follow a Wiccan path, being true to the Wiccan Rede which states:-

Bide the Witches' Rede ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Rede thou must fulfill: An' it harm none, do as ye will. What ye send forth returns to thee, so ever mind the rule of three.
Follow this with mind and heart, and merry ye meet and merry ye part.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and until the next time I would like to wish you the best things that life can give,

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


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