Monday, 29 October 2018

The New Show from Cauldron FM

Merrie Meet

I know that it has been a long times since I posted anything on here, but to be brutally honest my main blog and therapy work have been taking so much time that I have had to trim down the amount of postings that I put out into other platforms.

I have managed to record a show for the podcast in time for the Samhain festival and below is a player to enable you to listen.

I hope that you enjoy the show and I will be working hard to bring you a new post a month.

So until the next time I will wish you the best things that life can give

Love Light and Brightest Blessings


©Delphine Bowden (reproduced with kind permission)

Friday, 6 July 2018

The Witch Kitchen

Merrie Meet

I am back although I am still officially on a break for another few weeks.  Anyway I discovered something sitting in my hard drive that I had neglected to publish via my publishing platform

So in order to remedy that situation here is the link to my book The Witch Kitchen.


If this post has raised any questions please drop me an email to

So now as we come to the end of this post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you have liked this and the other posts on this blog, please click the link to “follow us” 

We have both a page and a group on Facebook and they are


CauldronFM – the sound of magick

We are in the process of adding all the Cauldron FM radio broadcasts onto our new podcast site.  Follow the link below to listen

So now I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


©Delphine Bowden
by kind permission

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Solstice / Litha Blessings

Merrie Meet

As the wheel turns to the Summer Solstice I would like to wish everyone of you a very Blessed Time and look forward to bringing you a new blog post very soon.

Until then

Love, Light and the Brightest of Blessings


©Delphine Bowden: reproduced with permission

Friday, 15 June 2018

Updates and Changes

©Delphine Bowden (reproduced with kind permission)

Merrie Meet

As we follow our journey through this life we often find that sometimes things that were once a major part of our existence sometimes have to take a little more of a back seat and whilst this situation may not be to our liking other matters tend to get in the way....

Friday, 8 June 2018

Making and Sending Energy Balls

Merrie Meet

Energy transcends time and space. Once you learn how to “send energy” you can do it for healing purposes, or even change the outcome of a future event or even send it to the past although the actual past event is unlikely to change, the impact it has will be much better for you.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Some Thirteen Goals of a Wiccan

(©2018 wytchwynd photography / Delphine Bowden)

Merrie Meet and well come to A Little Bit of Magick here we explore some of the elements of the path that we have chosen to follow.  I welcome any comments and should any of you feel that you would like to contribute something to these pages by way of articles, rituals or practical tips please feel contact via the email address given below or make a comment in the box. 

So now let us take a look at some thirteen goals of a Wiccan -
Know yourself – It is of vital importance that you get to know who you are and what you stand for as you travel along the Wiccan Path.
Know your Craft – to be a practical Wiccan one needs to have a working knowledge of the Craft and how to apply that knowledge.
Learn – always be prepared to learn, people can often provide tips and useful insights as we move and meet along our paths
Apply knowledge with wisdom – be considerate and careful about how you use the knowledge that you gain whilst walking this path.
Achieve balance - always strive for balance in all that you do
Keep your words in good order – do not speak ill of people in your conversations
Keep your thoughts in good order – be mindful of the thoughts you think, thoughts are things!
Celebrate life – life is sacred!
Attune with the cycles of the Earth – learn to recognise the fluctuations in your body and as the Earth moves through Her cycle feel the changes within you.
Breathe and eat correctly – this does not only apply to people who walk the Wiccan path.
Exercise the body – regular, gentle exercise is important to keep the machine in good form.
Meditate – often the stillness of the mind reveals many secrets.
Honour the Lord and Lady – their presence is Divine and should always be recognised as such.
I truly hope that you have found these points to be of interest and I look forward to bringing you another post very soon. 
Don’t forget that we are now re-running our successful pagan radio shows on our podcast (see the link below) and there will soon be some new shows being added to the already growing list.

If this post has raised any questions please drop an email to

So now as we come to the end of this post it is time for me to take my leave of you but not before I say that if you have liked this and the other posts on this blog, please click the link to follow us. 

We have a page and a group on Facebook and they are CauldronFM and CauldronFM – the sound of magick respectively.

We are  now in the process of adding all the radio shows from Cauldron FM onto our new podcast host site.  So if you would like to give them a listen please follow the link below

So now, as we come to the end of this post I will wish you the best things that life can give and say

Love, Light and Blessed Be!


Friday, 25 May 2018

The Most Common Mistakes New Witches Make

Believing that something is true just because it’s in a book

Books can be misleading or inaccurate, plus they can also be filled with outright lies.  This is especially true when they talking about religious or spiritual beliefs.  Authors have been know to do this because they have not been required to back up their claims in order to get big deals with publishers.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Whyte Wytch (Reposted with edits)

(creator of image - unknown)

Merrie Meet

Welcome to A Little Bit of Magick.  Let me ask you a question - 

Are you sensitive?

Friday, 4 May 2018

New show launched on

Hi Merrie Meet

By way of a change this week I have decided to make the new podcast show the subject of the blog

Basically Cauldron FM began in 2011 as an experiment because I wanted to see if I could launch a dedicated radio station for the pagan community.and now 7 years later having been on this journey through various states - highly successful, virtual oblivion, monstrous technical problems the station still continues to broadcast.

This latest incarnation is a podcast   (I am still unable to broadcast my progrannes live) because of computer issues and lack of a stable internet connection.

Using this format does have its advantages, because all of the previous broadcasts will be available in the one place, so listeners can go back and listen to what we were doing over the life of the service.

We are still on the hunt for new presenters so if any of the people reading this fancy a go at producing their own programme (it really is very easy) then drop me AN EMAIL or leave a comment in the box below and I will get back to you,

So without any more from me please click the player below to listen to our Beltane 2018 programme.

I hope that you enjoy it

Blessed Be


©Delphine Bowden
reproduced with kind permission of the artist

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Beltane Blessings

Merrie Meet and a Very Blessed Beltane to all

(image ©Delphine Bowden used with kind permission)



Friday, 27 April 2018

A post about Grounding and Beltane

(©Delphine Bowden - reproduced with kind permission)

The term grounding means connected to the Earth, and it is one that spans numerous different cultures, traditions, and spiritual practices. While it is associated with feelings of balance, connection, centeredness, sinking, being anchored and in the flow, I would like to explore the greater implications of what is happening every time you go outside and relax into nature.

Friday, 20 April 2018

MERRIE MEET from The Merlin

Thank you for visiting A Little Bit Of Magick.  

I had fully intended to post about Grounding this week but unfortunately time has run away with me and so I must offer my sincerest apologies and say that owing to time constraints this post has had to be deferred until Friday 24th April and will be combined with the pre - Beltane post.  So in effect you will receive double value next week.

(Image reproduced courtesy of Delphine Bowden)

So until the next time we speak, have a great day, take care and I wish you the best things that life can give.

Love, Light and the Brightest of Blessings



Friday, 13 April 2018

Self Initiation (Part 2)

(Reproduced with the kind permission of Delphine Bowden)

Merrie Meet and welcome to the 2nd part of my post on Self-Initiation and this post walks you through an example of a ceremony (ritual) that you can perform either alone or with a partner.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Tubular Bells by The Children of Ireland Show parts 1 + 2

Merrie Meet

In 2013 there came another first for record producer Tom Newman..............he relaunched the album that he first produced for Virgin - Tubular Bells but with a different twist.  So here is Tom and his friend and business partner Paul Brett (The Strawbs) talking to Cauldron FM about

Tubular Bells by The Children of Ireland 

and the interview continues followed by part 2 of the album.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy both parts of the interview and the music

Love Light and Blessed Be


Self Initiation (Part 1)

(Image reproduced courtesy of Delphine Bowden)

Self Initiation (Part 1)

Let me begin with a short apology concerning the tardiness of this post – since the funeral of my Brother in Law I have been having great trouble catching up with my blogging program, but hopefully now this one is complete I should be back on track.

Friday, 30 March 2018

Where Do We Go From Here?

Merrie Meet

Welcome to A Little Bit of Magick.  This page is designed to be a meeting ground for pagans everywhere no matter which route they choose to follow.  Because eventually we will all end up in the same place.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

2011 is all on the pod....

Merrie Meet

The first full year's worth of shows (2011) have now taken their place as Season 2 on the Cauldron  FM podcast.  Even though it has taken a long time it is well worth it from our perspective because it will enable our wonderful listeners to dip in and out a pick shows that they want to listen to, when they want to

Here is the 2011 review show for you to listen to as a gateway into the service

We really hope that you enjoy it and that you will subscribe and help us grow our audience

Love and Light to you all


Blessed Be!

Sunday, 25 March 2018

The Mammoth Task Continues....

Merrie Meet

I have now finished uploading the 15th show to the new Cauldron FM podcast platform and what a marathon project it is.  That said though it will be nice to have all the shows in their new home so that people can dive in and listen to random shows, or find specifics etc.

Click the link below to visit the podcast site

Blessed Be,


Saturday, 24 March 2018


Merrie Meet

Today we have taken a positive step in the continuing future of Cauldron FM our pagan radio channel.

As a lot of you know we have been beset by internet connectivity issues at our studio for the past 12 months at least.  This situation is extremely frustrating when trying to operate a radio platform that broadcasts 24/7.

So having reached the proverbial "end of my tether" following yet another service outage last week I have taken the decision to move everything onto a podcast platform and have this morning set that in motiion by tranferring the 2010 shows over.  The 2011 shows will start moving tomorrow (all being well)

So the new home can be found at

We look forward to seeing you there

Love, Light and Blessed Be


Friday, 23 March 2018

Rainbow Meditation

Merrie Meet

Welcome to the world of The Merlin where we look at the many facets of paganism often through the lens of Wicca but not necessarily in any particular order.  However , I do try to create posts that correspond with the various festivals throughout our year.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Tor - a film about the iconic Glastonbury landmark

Merrie Meet

(Image courtesy of Wytchwynd Photography)

Today I am now able to show you a film I was involved with recently.  Initially I was approached by the Director - Rory Greener and invited to contribute various items to this project an offer to which I readily agreed.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Ostara is Approaching

 © Image courtesy of Delphine Bowden

Ostara - (The Vernal or Spring Equinox)

Merrie Meet and welcome to this new post here on A Little Bit of Magick.  I have had an extremely busy week with lots of things bubbling away under the surface. 

Friday, 2 March 2018

Status Update

Good Morning - thank you for visiting. 

I am currently away on business but will be back in time for the 9th March post.  Unfortunately it was a last minute trip and so there was no time available to forward plan a scheduled post.

Heartfelt Apologies


Friday, 23 February 2018

About Affirmations

Merrie Meet

Today’s offering is extracted from my own Book Of Shadows and deals with the subject of affirmation.   Affirmations are statements that should always be made in the present tense.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Making A Smudge Stick

Merrie Meet

Today I thought we could get practical so not knowing what I wanted to talk about I did a bit of research and this is what I stumbled across….

Friday, 9 February 2018


Here is something that could be one of the biggest reasons why some Witches (especially beginners) have problems getting their spells to work.

Friday, 2 February 2018

The Basics of Being a White Witch

Merrie Meet

Are you sensitive?  Are you aware of sounds and images that are outside of the normal 5 senses we as humans have learned to experience on a daily basis?  If you are able to answer yes to the above it is quite possible that you would be a natural White Witch.

Friday, 26 January 2018

Posting Update 26/01/18

Hi and Merrie Meet to everyone

As you will have noticed I have been absent for a few days on a family holiday to the Moroccan Sunshine and as I suspected the internet connection left a lot to be desired.

Anyway I am back now and will begin posting again from Monday 29th Jan. So to keep you going until then here is one of the many photographs that were taken during the trip.

One interesting thing that I did notice was that despite being an Islamic country interestingly enough the National Flag of Morocco is a green pentagram on a red background.

Until next week

Blessed Be.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Floating Twig Of Truth

Image Courtesy of - Delphine Sutherland

Merrie Meet

Today we have another post in our series about “Spell Workings”

No matter who you are it is my belief that there is a single "truth" about this part of your life that you simply have not yet seen.

Friday, 5 January 2018


Merrie Meet

Copyright Image created by Delphine Bowden
This week, in all honesty, I have been so busy that I was left out of time to create the post so I have had to cheat a little and use what I was able to find on the internet to meet the deadline